Spontaneous Evolutions: Our Positive Future


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Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here)

Today's leading-edge science is shattering old myths and rewriting the story that will shape the future of human civilization. Pioneering biologist and best-selling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and political philosopher Steve Bhaerman offer a mind-expanding synthesis of science and society that explains why our planet is on the threshold of an incredible evolutionary event-the emergence of a new super-organism: Humanity.

Spontaneous Evolution reveals that the struggle before us is not against some external enemy, but rather against culturally distorted misperceptions of human nature and human potential. These myths, programmed into our collective subconscious, are directly responsible for today's global crises. Fortunately, the blueprint for our sustainable, life-affirming future is already inside of us, encoded in each of the trillions of cells comprising our body!

Like no other book, Spontaneous Evolution offers you the information and inspiration you need to participate in the greatest adventure in human history-conscious evolution!

Steve Bhaerman is an author, humorist, and political and cultural commentator who has performed enlightening comedy as Swami Beyondananda for over 23 years. Steve is active in transpartisan politics and promoting the practical application of Spontaneous Evolution.

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Weight 19.2 oz